Using Bacteria as a Cleaning Agent

Breaking down the 5 myths

1. “Natural cleaning products aren’t as effective”

By using natural bacteria, the molecules that make up dirt and grime are broken down at
their base level, eliminating stains and odours  more effectively than traditional cleaning agents.

2. “Natural cleaning products aren’t as long lasting”

The bacteria feeds on those things that cause stains and odours in your surfaces, ie food or biological fluids. As long as there is a food source for the bacteria, it will continue to thrive, meaning that the cleaning process is continuous.

3. “It’s more expensive”

These cleaning agents are highly concentrated which means that less is needed to get the job done. Furthermore, because the product continues working long after we have gone,
less maintenance is required than would be the case with traditional cleaning agents.

4. “It’s not safe for the environment or it's people”

This cleaning agent is ECOLOGO, ECOLABEL, Woolsafe, and Cleanseal approved.

5. “It takes away from our natural environment”

These cleaning agents are created with renewable raw materials, making them completely biodegradable. The production of these agents is also much gentler on the environment and our climate than the production of traditional cleaning agents.

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